jack benny radio show archiveall in motion lifestyle backpack

DANGEROUSLY YOURS Dangerously Yours was a half hour show sponsored by Vicks. Thanks a million for this. For a number of years, the Benny cast did two live showsone at 4 p.m. on Sundays for audiences in the East and Midwest, and again at 8:30 p.m. for the West Coast. The series was first heard on February 3, 1938. So join me for another adventure in the macabre. He was a talented comedian in his own right, but Benny's greatness rested on the fact that he was not afraid to surround himself with a top notch cast that got plenty of laughs at his expense. Dorsey's main vocalist was Bob Eberly, considered to be the best in the music business, and in 1939, Helen O'Connell joined the band, and the idea to have them perform duets proved to be highly . A podcast of spooky Old Time Radio shows, inspired by mystery programs like Inner Sanctum Mysteries and featuring great audio Drama like Suspense. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Each week on Famous Stories you will hear some info and clips from a famous story by the master storyteller of the early 20th century, Damon Runyon. The Bob Hope Show, The Eddie Cantor Show, The Fred Allen Show, The Jack Benny Show, The Kate Smith Show, and 5 boxes of loose working scripts from Texaco Star Theatre. Thank you so much for uploading these!! Search the history of over 797 billion The show aired for 22 years, from 1932 to 1954, and followed the exploits of amateur detective Lamont Cranston and his companion Margo Lane. Frank Nelson, a regular on the Jack Benny radio and television shows for more than 30 years and a professional actor for six decades, died Friday at . These recordings are of varying quality with most in the good to very good sound range. Every crime is witnessed by outsiders, just as is every work of art. Then they'd complain he'd raised the price from the last time they were there. The Saint radio program, starring Vincent Price. A guide listing the titles AND air dates for episodes of the TV series The Jack Benny Program. Jack Benny radio shows from throughout the legend's career. The early 1940s programs opened with Raymond Edward Johnson introducing himself as, "Your host, Raymond," in a mocking sardonic voice. These files have been edited for audio, file names, and ID3 tags. All shows reviewed for date accuracy and titles. The fact that no one sees the criminal, or the artist, NICK CARTER, MASTER DETECTIVE Nick Carter first made an appearance in a pulp novel in 1886. Throughout the 20th century, one of the dominant forms of mass media and entertainment was Radio Shows: Drama, Comedy, Mystery and Horror, as well as news and information, all presented in a purely audio format. It starred Jack Benny. Pouring rain, freezing cold, blistering heat, snows, floods, bears, rattlesnakes, mountain lions. These shows are gold and should be shared with radio collectors. The situation comedy was a staple of the NBC Red Network from 1936 on, after originating on NBC Blue in 1935. Simple Dennis Day, always got the better of him, even though his character appeared to be totally clueless. Uploaded by Your host each week, Mr. Thomas Hyland -- connoisseur of crime, student of violence, and teller of murders." Some were produced by a person rushing to the radio, pushing the record button and holding a mike near the speaker. An OTR podcast. He is remembered for his television programme The Benny Hill Show, an amalgam of slapstick, burlesque and double entendre in a format that included live comedy and filmed segments, with Hill at the focus of almost every segment.. Hill was a prominent figure in British television . X?" episodes (1933-06-02 and 1933-06-09) contain perhaps the earliest existing appearance on radio of The Shadow (played by Ralph Ashe). The Jack Benny Program, which starred no less than Jack Benny himself, was a comedy series than went on-air for more than 30 years in both radio and television. Alot of these are here in the WW2 collections, I posted this collection to make The Winston Churchill Speeches in one place. 1946 Featuring Old Time Radio Shows that dramatize the stories of the Bible. On television the D.A. Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - Bob Bailey 30 Minute Episodes, Adventures of Philip Marlowe - Single Episodes, CBS Radio Mystery Theater - The Complete Series (1399 episodes), Richard Diamond, Private Detective - Single Episodes, The Adventures of Sam Spade - Single Episodes, Winston Churchill Speeches and Radio Broadcasts, The Shadow - 239 Episodes of the Old Time Radio Drama, New Adventures of Nero Wolfe - Single Episodes, Sherlock Holmes OTR - Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce, Inner Sanctum Mysteries - Single Episodes, Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar - Single Episodes - Bob Bailey 15 Minute Episodes, Fibber McGee and Molly - 1228 Episodes of the Exceptional Old Time Radio Comedy, Lum and Abner - 1646 episodes of the classic Old Time Radio Show, Nick Carter Master Detective - Single Episodes, Gunsmoke Radio Show (1952-1961) Improved Audio, No Commercials, The Phil Harris - Alice Faye Show - Single Episodes, Barrie Craig, Confidential Investigator - Single Episodes, The Shadow Radio Show 1937-1954 Old Time Radio (All Available Episodes), Mr. Starring Jack Benny with Mary Livingstone, Phil Harris, Rochester, Dennis Day, and Don Wilson. To combat the problem, NBC spent lots of money to produce The Big Show , a 90 minute radio program which would feature famous guests performing skits, songs, and comedic routines. Thank you for visiting the OTR.Network. By that time, the practice of using the sponsor's name as the title began to fade. 1949. 1941 This upload contains 1,228 episodes of the fantastic Old Time Radio show, Fibber McGee and Molly. Some have been preserved on the original transcription disks from the time the shows were initially broadcast, while others exist on reel-to-reel and cassettes tapes. The series initially featured Jack Webb in the title role, who was coming off his work in Pat Novak for Hire, followed by Johnny Madero, Pier 23. His popularity lasted over 100 years until the last Nick Carter-Killmaster book was published in 1990. Uploaded by Can someone help me locate the episode where a burglar holds up Jack and makes him go into his basement to open his safe? But the American radio series was even creepier. THE BLACK MUSEUM Opening in 1875, the Crime Museum at Scotland Yard is the oldest museum in the world purely for recording crime. on the Internet. The Announcer was Charlie Lyon and the director was Paul Pierce. The show was sponsored by the Rio Grande Oil Company which was a part of the Sinclair Oil Corporation. Total Views 129,076,913 (Older Stats), Total Items 10,950 (Older Stats). It's also one that is still respected for its high values, in all aspects. The Jack Benny Show AKA The Jello Program AKA The Lucky Strike Program aired from the 1930s right through to the 1950s. With his faithful Indian companion Tonto, the daring and resourceful masked rider of the plains led the fight for law and order in the early western United States. Tallulah Bankhead was asked to host the show. Some fine isolated science fiction stories were developed on the great anthology shows, Suspense and Escape . The gun in his holster is gray steel and rainbow mother-of-pearl. Occasionally, there might be a change in the schedule, but on the whole a consistent time-slot was something that helped build a large audience and so was something the big networks aimed to achieve. This upload contains 239 episodes of the great old time radio drama, The Shadow. These are out of my collection of Radio Dramas with Mark Hamill from 1981. The writer-director of the show was William N Robson. Listen to Superman, X-Minus One, Tarzan, Philip Marlowe, Gunsmoke, Jack Benny and many more . Costello Amos 'n' Andy Blondie Bob Hope Ed Wynn The Fire Chief Father Knows Best Fibber McGee and Molly It Pays To Be Ignorant Jack Benny Judy Canova Show Magnificent Montague Our Miss Brooks Red Skelton The Adventures . Donlevy had the voice and delivery to make the show sound plausible, even if it was routine Cold War brush fire stuff. L.A. Times Archives. In real life, of course, Benny and Allen were great friends, and Benny even took time on his radio program to eulogize Allen after his death. Yes, all this in exchange for the satisfaction and pride of a job well done." GUNSMOKE First Show: Jun 26, 1952 Last Show: Jun 18, 1961 Number Shows: 480 shows, 2 auditions, 5 hour tribute Audition Shows: Jun 11, 1949, Jul 13, 1949 Series Description: Gunsmoke is one of those long-running classic Old-Time Radio shows that everyone knows and remembers. I downloaded all 41 zip files and everything was there! Endless hours of entertainment! George Valentine. Jack Benny plays Sheridan Whiteside, a distinguished author and radio personality with an interest in mass murderers. Kenny Baker. Among the films to get the Benny treatment were I AM A FUGITIVE FROM THE CHAIN GANG, Mae West's SHE DONE HIM WRONG, which Benny turned into "She Done Him Right," LITTLE WOMEN recast as "Miniature Women," and even the . Jack Gets, Jack Is Invited to the Colman's for Dinner, Violin Practice Interrupts Ronald Coleman's, Jack Is Upset Because Phil and Dennis Have T, Christmas Party at Birmingham General Hospit, Gracie Wants to Listen to Jack on the Radio, What Happens after the Show Goes off the Air, Jack Tries to Find Replacement for the Sport, Jack Wants Goldwyn to Do 'the Life of Jack B, Jack Fixes a Phonograph and Buys a Baseball, Jack Takes Violin Lessons and Goes to the Va, Going to Denver for March.of.Dimes Benefit, Jack's Girlfriend Gladys Comes to Rehearsal, Jack Returns to America by Ship and Hears An, Jack and the Gang Listen to the World Series, Jack Tries to Reach His Advertising Agency, Professor La Blanc Gives Jack a Violin Lesso, Jack Buys a Wallet for Don As Christmas Gift, Guests Claudette Colbert and Vincent Price, Don Wilson's Story of Twenty.Five Years in R, Jack Spends an Evening at Home Playing Cards, Mary Buys Jack a Pencil Sharpener for Christ, Rochester Is Shocked by an Electric Alarm Cl, Jack Can't Make Mary's Party and Is Stood Up, To New York on the Train for the Heart Fund, Jack Returns on the Train to Los Angeles And, Jack Tries to Buy Tickets to the Usc-Ucla Ga, Jack Prepares to Go to New York to Do His Tv, The Cast Is Dissatisfied with Their New Cont, Jack Meets Speed Rigs at the Doctor's Office, Jack and Mary See 'Golden Girl' with Dennis', Jack Dreams the New York Symphony Plays His, Jack Goes to the Doctor for a Vitamin Shot, Dennis Is Told to Quit the Show by His Mothe, Jack's Tv Breaks While Watching Wrestling. See the Content Index file (an Excel spreadsheet) for a detailed listing of all articles and other content for the issues of this newsletter. The Commissioner's secretary is played by Betty Moran. Your donations help keep us "on the air" and growing. They knew each other from the old days of the Rudy Vallee Show , and were both radio veterans when they BARRIE CRAIG, CONFIDENTIAL INVESTIGATOR William Gargan, who also played the better known television (and radio) detective Martin Kane, was the voice of New York eye Barrie Craig while Ralph Bell portrayed his associate, Lt. Travis Rogers. Timing is everything. It was set in Dodge City , Kansas in the 1870's. I love Jack Benny's radio programs. The Jack Benny Show AKA The Jello Program AKA The Lucky Strike Program aired from the 1930's right through to the 1950's. Each week your host, John Henderson, brings an episode from that week 60-80 years ago. In the post-war years, Mel Blanc was at the top of the list. Disclaimer: By uploading these files, I make no claim to ownership or copyright. The Shadow knows! Listen to This Day in Jack Benny on Apple podcasts or your favorite podcast app. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. The series was built around the character Throckmorton P. Gildersleeve, a regular element of the radio situation comedy Fibber McGee and Molly . The ads always brought fun adventures of all kinds: from racketeer's victim to psychotic killer looking for fun. Get in and out of danger. Your host is the man with no identity who introduces each show with a pun thats so bad its scary. The Jack Benny Radio shows February 4, 11, 18, and 25 1940 presented the trip to and the adventures at Yosemite starring the Jack Benny Gang. In this article we revisit Christmas recordings of Command Performance, The Jack Benny Show , and other radio programs. Although presented episodically because of Jack's half hour time slot, these four shows are a single radio play running approximately 80 minutes. His band members were helpful in the sarcastic, fast-talking department, too. Jack was always the butt of the joke on his radio show. I once saw him reading from a telephone book, and never laughed so hard in my life. Previously, shows were traded in a format such as a cassette or reel-to-reel tape for example. On June 11,1945, Lux Radio Theatre brought "Murder My Sweet" to radio, again with Dick Powell in the lead. This library consists of popular Old-Time Radio programs, including vintage comedy, mystery, detective, adventure and suspense programs such as The Jack Benny Show, The Shadow, Fibber . She had guested in various radio programs in the past but had never done anything on an Episodes from the OTRR Maintained set of Jeff Regan, Investigator: JEFF REGAN, INVESTIGATOR Jeff Regan, Investigator, was one of countless private detective series that proliferated in the years following WWII. A podcast of the greatest Old Time Radio ever, The Jack Benny Program! Please feel free to write an article! Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. ), JB 1944-12-24 Trimming The Christmas Tree, JB 1945-01-21 Ice Skating In Central Park, JB 1946-04-07 Acme Plaza (Guest Van Johnson), JB 1946-10-06 Listening To The World Series, JB 1946-11-10 #238 Comm. Uploaded by As Jack dials the combination lock he starts to whimper more and more as he gets to the last number. on the Internet. Program archive with 978 complete 4-hour broadcasts on demand NOW PLAYING JACK BENNY MONTH 4 Or iginally broadcast on WNIB Saturday, February 25th, 1984 BEST OF BENNY (6-16-57) Jack takes a nap and dreams that he's "Jack" in "Jack and the Beanstalk!" Mary, Don, Dennis, Rochester, Mel Blanc, Bob Crosby. love the jpgs and guest shot appearances! OTRRArchive Please tell your friends about us. This brings us to Jack Benny. THE JACK BENNY PROGRAM The Jack Benny Program aired from May 2, 1932 until June 22, 1958. Repeated shows are included. Ref: Family Feud game, Arana vs Goodner family, show first aired October 14, 2020. When Norman Macdonnell created Fort Laramie in late 1955, he made it clear to his writers that historical accuracy was essential to the integrity of the series. December 25, 2020 Radio held a special place in the lives of many service men and women during and after World War II. . Whiteside is a cantankerous old man who is used to being pampered; while touring the United States, he injures himself at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stanley. He worked alone, solved cases efficiently, and feared no man. The Jack Benny Program aired from May 2, 1932 until June 22, 1958. It starred Jack Benny. Some fine isolated science fiction stories were developed on the great anthology shows, Suspense and Escape . web pages SECRETS OF SCOTLAND YARD In an earlier time, just prior to and following the Second World War, the general public was fascinated by the subject of crime. The program was an adventure series about Sergeant William Preston of the Northwest Mounted Police and his lead sled dog, Yukon King, as they fought evildoers in the Northern wilderness during the Gold Rush of the 1890s. We take them for granted, but stop & think for a moment how perfectly selected & balanced the voices heard on this show really are. INNER SANCTUM MYSTERIES The anthology series featured stories of mystery, terror and suspense, and its tongue-in-cheek introductions were in sharp contrast to shows like Suspense and The Whistler . 1947 Vintage stories, hymns, and gospel songs from the golden age of radio (1930 1950). Gladys Zybisco Disappoints Jack on New Years Eve, 230 Doc Bennys Minstrels - Romeo And Juliet, 363 Birthday Party For Jack Whos Recovering From A Skiing Accident, 369 Jack Revives Buck Benny After Three Years, 376 Formal Dinner For The Sponser Without Jell-O For Dessert, 428 New Years Eve Party At The Biltmore Bowl, 430 Carole Lombards Death - Show Is Without Jack, 433 Jack Is Upset Because Fred Allen Has Moved To Sundays, 438 Jack Talks About Lending Fred Allen Ten Dollars, 439 Jack Plants A Victory Garden And Plays Golf With Phil, 446 Jack Learns This Will Be His Last Season For Jell-O, 449 Cavalcade Of Last Eight Years For Jell-O, 589 Jack Is Upset Because Phil And Dennis Have Their Own Shows, 594 Jack Tries To Break His Contract With The Sportsmen, 595 Jack Gets A Haircut - More Trouble With The Sportsmen, 599 Jack Buys Don Shoe Laces For Christmas, 600 Jack Learns Don Has Metal Tip Shoelaces So He Exchanges Gift, 601 Christmas Party At Birmingham General Hospital, 604 Gracie Wants To Listen To Jack On The Radio, 608 What Happens After The Show Goes Off The Air, 612 Jack Tries To Find Replacement For The Sportsmen, 616 Jack Tries To Get Goldwyn To Do The Life Of Jack Benny, 616 Jack Wants Goldwyn To Do The Life Of Jack Benny, 637 Jack Tries To Get Tickets For The Rose Bowl, 638 Going To Denver For March-Of-Dimes Benefit, 645 Jacks Girlfriend Gladys Comes To Rehearsal, 649 Jack Is Robbed Of Ronald Colmans Oscar, 660 From Detroit - Dons Weight Is Discussed, 663 Jack Returns To America By Ship And Hears An Echo, 664 Jack And The Gang Listen To The World Series, 668 Jack Hears An Echo - Sees Psychiatrist, 670 Jack Tries To Reach His Advertising Agency, 671 How Jack And The Gang Spent Thanksgiving, 672 Professor La Blanc Gives Jack A Violin Lesson, 674 Jack Buys A Wallet For Don As Christmas Gift, 683 Jack Wants To Appear On Ford Theater, Jack Challenges Fred Allen to a Boxing match, Jack Goes into Training For Fight with Fred Allen, 0270 Another Chapter in Life of Buck Benny, 0259 Jack Is Sick - Phil Kenny and Don Host, 0228 - Show the - Anthony Adverse Part Two, 0211 Jack Is Guest of Honor At the French Embassy Dinner, 0210 Gang Visits the Central Park Zoo the, 0124 New Hampshire Through a Keyhole -Or- Lord of the City, 091 Sherlock Holmes And King Kong Part Two, 070 Outstanding Achievements Of 1932 Review, 718 To New York On The Train For The Heart Fund Benefit, 715 Drear Pooson Fluffrys Party And Is Stood Up By His Date, 714 Jack Cant Make Marys Party And Is Stood Up By His Date, 713 Rochester Is Shocked By An Electric Alarm Clock, 712 Mary Buys Jack A Pencil Sharpener For Christmas, 709 Jack Spends An Evening At Home Playing Cards, 705 Don Wilsons Story Of Twenty-Five Years In Radio, 701 Jack Takes Inventory Of His Pantry And Has A Memory Loss. Perry Mason was a 15-minute show (including commercials, etc.) Few true crime dramas, other than Gangbusters or Dragnet , sustained long term success on radio. The show was sponsored in 1939-40 by Grove's Bromo Quinine and later enjoyed an extended run as The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes under the sponsorship of Petri Wines. Starring the wonderful husband and wife team of Jim and Marian Jordan as the named characters, the show chronicles the life, foibles and follies of Fibber and his understanding -and perhaps long-suffering - wife, Molly. As the promos went, he was "your man when you can't go to the cops. This version lasted until 1951, the last LUX RADIO THEATRE The individual episodes have been broken down into several different pages: Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes or by season: (There are no known surviving First Season episodes) Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Second Season: 07/29/35 to 06/25/36 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Third Season: 07/01/36 to 07/05/37 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Fourth Season: 09/13/37 to 07/04/38 Lux Radio Theatre - Single Episodes - Fifth Season: 09/12/38 to 07/10/39 Lux RANGER BILL ""Ranger Bill, Warrior of the Woodland, struggling against extreme odds, traveling dangerous trails, fighting the many enemies of nature. Jack Benny Program scripts Collection Overview Collection Organization Container Inventory Scope and Contents The collection consists of 40 bound volumes, holding some 600 radio and television scripts and encompassing over 14,000 pages. If that doesn't work, email us at otrnet@gmail.com and we can help. Jack Benny is one of the great American comedians. But during one of his San Francisco stops in 1938, they did a third showone that never got on the air. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. Suspense is a radio drama series broadcast on CBS Radio from 1940 through 1962. Welcome to Pine Ridge, home of the Jot 'em Down Store. Jack Benny (1894-1974) and Fred Allen (1894-1956) were both vaudevillians who found great success in radio. This lasted only until December 15, 1946 and starred Francis X. Bushman and Elliot Lewis as Archie. Classic Mel Blanc sketch on "The Jack Benny Show" Sy Si Sue Sew. Sadly only a limited number of episodes are known to survive. KEEN,TRACEROFLOSTPERSONS When Mr. So when Phil Harris (in real life) married the glamorous and talented movie star Alice Faye, it seemed more like a match made in Hollywood than in Heaven. Better than anything on the radio today that is for sure. Aim for 3-5 minutes in length. Be the first one to, Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #1, Jack Benny - Single Episodes - As A Guest Star #2, Old Time Radio Researchers Website (www.otrr.org), Old Time Radio Researchers Facebook Group, JB 1946-09-29 First show with the Sportsmen Quartet - Jack is upset because Phil and Dennis have their own shows, JB 1946-10-06 Jack meets Dennis's mother - Jack listens to the World Series, JB 1946-10-13 Jack And Mary Walk To The Studio, JB 1946-10-20 The Fiddler - Parody Of The Whistler, JB 1946-10-27 Dream Of Killing Quartet - Chiss Sweeze, JB 1946-11-03 Jack Tries To Fire The Sportsmen, JB 1946-11-10 Jack Gets Haircut, Trouble with Sportsmen, JB 1946-11-17 Guests Ronald Colman And Leo Durocher, JB 1946-11-24 The Killers With Edward G Robinson, JB 1946-12-01 Jack appears on Phil Baker's program, JB 1946-12-08 Christmas Shopping - Shoelaces For Don, JB 1946-12-22 Christmas party at Birmingham General Hospital, JB 1946-12-29 Jack, Mary, Gladys and Dennis go to a nightclub, JB 1947-01-05 Humphrey Bogart And Lauren Bacall, JB 1947-01-12 Guests George Burns And Gracie Allen, JB 1947-01-19 I Stand Condemned with Boris Karloff, JB 1947-02-02 What If Jack Was Never Born, JB 1947-02-09 How Jack Gets His Studio Audience, JB 1947-02-16 Jack's Birthday Party With Isaac Stern, JB 1947-02-23 Jack Fires The Sportsmen Quartet, JB 1947-03-02 The Sponsor Wants The Quartet Rehired, JB 1947-03-09 Jack Tries To Replace The Quartet, JB 1947-03-23 Jack Rehires The Sportsmen Quartet, JB 1947-03-30 From San Francisco With Jane Wyman, JB 1947-04-06 Jack Asks Goldwyn To Do Jack's Life, JB 1947-04-13 Jack fixes a phonograph and buys a baseball team, JB 1947-04-27 Leaving For Chicago With The Colmans, JB 1947-05-04 Preparing To Leave For Chicago, JB 1947-05-11 Chicago Theater Marjorie Reynolds, JB 1947-05-25 Last show of season - Guests Fred Allen and Jack Parr - Who is the better comedian, JB 1946-09-29 First show with the Sportsmen Quartet - Jack is upset because Phil and Dennis have their own shows.ogg, JB 1946-10-06 Jack meets Dennis's mother - Jack listens to the World Series.ogg, JB 1946-10-13 Jack And Mary Walk To The Studio.ogg, JB 1946-10-20 The Fiddler - Parody Of The Whistler.ogg, JB 1946-10-27 Dream Of Killing Quartet - Chiss Sweeze.ogg, JB 1946-11-03 Jack Tries To Fire The Sportsmen.ogg, JB 1946-11-10 Jack Gets Haircut, Trouble with Sportsmen.ogg, JB 1946-11-17 Guests Ronald Colman And Leo Durocher.ogg, JB 1946-11-24 The Killers With Edward G Robinson.ogg, JB 1946-12-01 Jack appears on Phil Baker's program.ogg, JB 1946-12-08 Christmas Shopping - Shoelaces For Don.ogg, JB 1946-12-22 Christmas party at Birmingham General Hospital.ogg, JB 1946-12-29 Jack, Mary, Gladys and Dennis go to a nightclub.ogg, JB 1947-01-05 Humphrey Bogart And Lauren Bacall.ogg, JB 1947-01-12 Guests George Burns And Gracie Allen.ogg, JB 1947-01-19 I Stand Condemned with Boris Karloff.ogg, JB 1947-02-02 What If Jack Was Never Born.ogg, JB 1947-02-09 How Jack Gets His Studio Audience.ogg, JB 1947-02-16 Jack's Birthday Party With Isaac Stern.ogg, JB 1947-02-23 Jack Fires The Sportsmen Quartet.ogg, JB 1947-03-02 The Sponsor Wants The Quartet Rehired.ogg, JB 1947-03-09 Jack Tries To Replace The Quartet.ogg, JB 1947-03-23 Jack Rehires The Sportsmen Quartet.ogg, JB 1947-03-30 From San Francisco With Jane Wyman.ogg, JB 1947-04-06 Jack Asks Goldwyn To Do Jack's Life.ogg, JB 1947-04-13 Jack fixes a phonograph and buys a baseball team.ogg, JB 1947-04-27 Leaving For Chicago With The Colmans.ogg, JB 1947-05-04 Preparing To Leave For Chicago.ogg, JB 1947-05-11 Chicago Theater Marjorie Reynolds.ogg, JB 1947-05-25 Last show of season - Guests Fred Allen and Jack Parr - Who is the better comedian.ogg, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). Despite the small budget allocated by CBS, the show is still excellent, with great acting, quality production and many excellent stories. Hilarious!!! He'd do things like have friends over and offer food, then charge them for it. Listen: Jack Benny dreams of winning an Academy Award in this episode of his radio show, from March 1, 1942:. Search the history of over 797 billion Then the feature presentation is the 1948/1949 old time radio show The Damon Runyon Theater. Advanced embedding details, examples, and help, Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International, Old Time Radio Researchers Website (www.otrr.org), Old Time Radio Researchers Facebook Group, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_01of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_02of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_03of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_04of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_05of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_06of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_07of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_08of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_09of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_10of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_11of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_12of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_13of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_14of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_15of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_16of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_17of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_18of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_19of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_20of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_21of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_22of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_23of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_24of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_25of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_26of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_27of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_28of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_29of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_30of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_31of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_32of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_33of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_34of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_35of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_36of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_37of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_38of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_39of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_40of41.zip, OTRR_Certified_Jack_Benny_Ver1_CD_41of41.zip, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014).

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jack benny radio show archive