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Waud, Alfred R.The Battle of the Sharpsburg from the extreme right. 32nd Infantry Division: 33rd Infantry Division : 34th Infantry Division : 35th Infantry Division : 36th Infantry Division : 37th Infantry Division . One of the many distinctions achieved by the 43rd it was the only Division to serve in four theaters of the Pacific campaign South Pacific, Southwest Pacific, Philippines, and Japan. The 43d drew a mean assignment in the invasion of Luzon. before withdrawing, 22 September. and Vermont. 43rd Infantry Division Veterans Association. TWS is the largest online community of Veterans existing today and is a powerful Veteran locator. Charles H. Smith. Perry in the Battle of Mobile Bay, 1864; and ms. poem. Continuing the campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, the regiment was engaged at Charlestown, the Opequan, Fisher's hill, and Cedar Creek. At the time of Early's raid, the 6th corps was hurried to Washington and repulsed the enemy at Port Stevens, where Col. Visscher, and 5 enlisted men were killed and 29 wounded. 43rd Infantry Division Band at Monteith Barracks during a review (Tom Rozman) 169th Infantry Regiment crest (Source: Email from Tom Rozman; three tours in Germany: 1952-54 (dependent), 1961-65 (again as a dependent), and 1983-86 (1st Armored Division as battalion XO and Asst G-3) arrived at Espiritu Santo, 26 October. The Yates' Rifles, recruited by Col. L. Ayer, four incomplete companies, A, B, C and D, were consolidated into two companies, and September 18, 1861, assigned to this regiment. Case was a physician with the 43rd Regiment, New York Volunteers. On January 9, 1945, the 43rd Infantry Division participated in the amphibious landing at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon. stories or thoughts on the subject, please contact me. It then shipped for a brief stay in New Caledonia. Elements landed on Vangunu and Rendova Islands against minor resistance, 30 June. The CT Guard retained its former unit designation as the 169th Infantry Regiment, 43rd Infantry Division. Register (1801-1805). There, they were scheduled for a year's worth of military training to bring them up to speed on current tactics and techniques suited to modern warfare. The rosters show the men who served in each regiment, their . On 19 July 1944, the division was deployed to the Aitape-Wewak campaign, assuming defensive positions at Aitape. Ipo Dam was secured and enemy opposition smashed in the Ipo area, 19 May. The 43rd Regiment, Illinois Infantry was organized at Camp Butler, Illinois, and mustered in October 12, 1861. New Guineas stinking hell was the next stop for the men from the land of the fir and pine. 69, Historical and pictorial review, 43rd Infantry Division, Camp Shelby, Mississippi, 1942 (152nd Field Artillery Battalion). One way we promote public education of military history is through our exhibits. 3, pages 266-268. Initially assigned to Camp Blanding, Florida, the Division later trained at Camp Shelby, Mississippi and Fort Ord, California. In September 1945, the 43rd became one of the first Divisions to occupy Japan. FAQ | The three brigades of the Division were allocated so that the control could be centralized to the greatest extent. Listings include, rank, company, nature of illness or wound, hospital admission, and date of return to active duty, discharge from service or death. During the autumn of 1863, it encountered the enemy at Rappahannock Station, Locust Grove, Auburn and Mine Run, and finally established winter quarters at Brandy Station in December, when 217 members reenlisted and immediately received their veteran furlough. : General Early's advance on the capital and the battle of Fort Stevens, July 11 and 12, 1864.." Records of the Columbia Historical Society, Washington, D.C.. 4 1901. Vela Cela and Baanga were taken easily, but the Japanese resisted stubbornly on Arundel Island before withdrawing, 22 September. The Japanese fought fiercely before relinquishing Munda and its airfield, 5 August. The 86th Brigade was allocated to Maine and Vermont, and consisted of the 103rd Infantry (Maine) and the 172nd Infantry (Vermont). Volunteers; enlistment roll, Co. K, 37th Artillery Regiment, 1863-69; and a photograph album of high officers at Camp Nelson, Va., Army of the Potomac. Abstract: A paper prepared and read by Engle, formerly of Co. A, 5th Wisconsin Infantry Regiment, before the Western Society of the Army of the Potomac at Chicago, September 26, 1894, describing the storming of Confederate-held Marye's Heights outside Fredericksburg on the road to Chancellorsville by the 5th Wisconsin, 6th Maine, and 43rd New York; illustrated with four half-tone prints. Company I - many men from the state of Ohio - Roster, vol. Reactivated early in 1941, the New Englanders have been almost constantly on the go ever since. The Colors of the 43rd were returned to Hartford, Connecticut with appropriate ceremonies. The 192nd Field Artillery Battalion, a National Guard 105mm howitzer unit, was recalled to active dutry during the Korean crisis in August 1950. Landing on D-day on January 9, 1945, at Lingayen Gulf, the 43d's mission was to take the left flank and secure the hill masses and road network in order to block off the strong Japanese forces in the mountains at Baguio. 43d Infantry Division Pre-World War II Activated: 21 March 1925 as a National Guard Division in Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, and Vermont. 61 Lake Avenue, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 43rd Regiment, Alabama Infantry Overview: 43rd Infantry Regiment was organized at Mobile, Alabama, in May, 1862, and immediately moved to Tennessee. First reunion held at Camp Dempsey, Niantic, Connecticut, September 1947 Constitution and By Laws Article III: Purpose (1 folder) . Shoulder patch: A khaki-bordered red The unit moved to Tennessee, then Mississippi where it placed under the command of General Barton in the Department of Mississippi and East Louisiana. Company F - many men from assorted counties - Roster, vol. Phone: (518) 581-5100 | Fax: (518) 581-5111. In March, the former guardsmen climbed aboard trucks and trains headed for Florida. To tell the story of the 43rd Infantry Division from its inception to inactivation. Founded September1945 in Kumagaya, Japan while the Division performed occupation duties. The regiment, commanded by Major Mims, was assigned to Grimes' Division of Gordon's Second Corps . ), 1861-1865 (bulk). Russell Islands were occupied without opposition, 21 February, and training continued. The 172d Regiment FS Library fiche 6118616 or film 1855026. ABMC Headquarters 2300 Clarendon Blvd, Suite 500 Arlington, VA 22201 Phone: 703-584-1501 Mustered in: September 21, 1861 The 37th Infantry Division arrived in Fiji in June 1942 to fortify the islands against possible invasion. Further jungle and realistic combat training took place. The veterans of the 43d, drawn from Maine, Rhode Island, Vermont and Connecticut, wear the black grape leaf on a red quatrefoil as a shoulder patch, and are qualified to wear four campaign stars on their Asiatic ribbon. Sons/Daughters Grandsons/Granddaughters Membership Application. Before sailing, the division scored highly in Exercise Southern Pine in North Carolina in the fall of 1951. (Microfiche of original published: Gettysburg, Pa. : J.E. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Advanced Training. 42nd Infantry Division - "The Rainbow Division" 43rd Infantry Division "Winged Victory Division" 44th Infantry Division 45th Infantry Division "Thunderbird" 63rd Infantry Division "Blood and fire" 65th Infantry Division - "The Battle-Axe Division" 66th Infantry Division -"Black Panther Division" Roster pages are from the same report found on the Internet Archives web site. In 1946 the Division was reorganized again, and was now made up of units from Connecticut, Vermont and Rhode Island. Autographed by many soldiers, including soldiers from Bangor, Hampden, and other parts of Maine. Roster. BPL This event delayed the Divisions entrance into combat in the South Pacific area. Free shipping for many products! Sons/Daughters Grandsons/Granddaughters Membership Application. Koons, George H.Winey Collection Maj. Gen. Morris B. Payne (February-August 1941) The Division moved to Noumea, New Caledonia, in November and to Guadalcanal, 17 February 1943. At Wisconsin Historical Society archives. ; 1946. This regiment, Col. Francis L. Vinton, received its State designation September 18, 1861; was organized at Albany and there mustered in the service of the United States for three years in August and September, 1861. The Division left Manila, 7 13 September, for occupation duty in Japan until it left for home. The battalion, as a part of the 43rd Division, was sent to Germany in November 1951. However if you are unsure which company your ancestor was in, try the company recruited in his county first. Activated: 21 March 1925 as a National Guard Division in Connecticut, Maine, Rhode Island, Home "The defenses of Washington." Summary of this collection is here. 43rd Swarts, George, and James H. Stone. There they encountered heavy mountain guns and deep cave positions, and were forced to move their supplies up trailless slopes. members; Army & Navy Publishing Co., Baton Rouge 1, La. Camp was broken on May 3, 1864, for the Wilderness campaign which proved to be the most fatal for the 43d of any during its service. During its four years and eight months of active duty the Division suffered the following casualties: Killed in Action: 1,561 Wounded in Action: 6,049. and was awarded the following decorations: In 1946 the Division was reorganized as a National Guard division. The two companies of the Yates Rifles joined the regiment on its passage through New York city. Home. Companies in this Regiment with County of Origin, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System. 3, pages 263-266. [1] . Early in 1943 the New Englanders reached Guadalcanal before that campaign had ended and aided in the mopping up of isolated Japanese units. It was an Army National Guard regiment from the states making up New England, but most of its soldiers came from Maine. [1]. This regiment was organized at Big Shanty, Georgia, in April, 1862, contained men from Cherokee, Pickens, Cobb, Hall, Forsyth, Jefferson, and Jackson counties. Mopping-up activities continued until 30 June 1945. The 172d Regiment arrived at Espiritu Santo, 26 October. July 18, 1862, the regiment was consolidated into five companies, A, B, C, D and E, the men of Company K going to Company A; those of F to B; of G to C; of I to D, and of H to E; and in October, 1862, five new companies joined, completing the reorganization of the regiment. The liner President Coolidge on which it was embarked struck two US planted mines in the harbor. Roster pages are from the same report found on the Internet Archives web site. The original members not reenlisted were mustered out at Albany, Sept. 29, 1864, and 15 officers and 400 veterans and recruits remained in the field, in camp at Winchester. About | After many battles, companies might be combined because so many men were killed or wounded. The 43rd Division was allotted as the National Guard division for New England, replacing the 26th Division which became an all-Massachusetts outfit. While other assault divisions were moving south over comparatively flat terrain, and over highways, the New Englanders were deep in the hills. The 43rd Infantry Division landed in New Zealand on 23 October 1942. Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, 43rd Infantry Division Artillery, Headquarters, Special Troops, 43rd Infantry Division, Headquarters Company, 43rd Infantry Division. This is meant to be a comprehensive list. 3, pages 252-255. My Account | On 6 May 1945, the attack continued in the Bulucan area. A month later the New Englanders began the war in earnest. 43rd Infantry Division Veterans Association. The 43rd Division consisted of two infantry brigades, the 85th in Connecticut, and the 86th in Vermont. If, however, you know of a resource that is not listed below, please send an email tong.ny.nyarng.list.historians@mail.milwith the name of the resource and where it is located. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Post WWI US Army Collar Brass - US Artillery at the best online prices at eBay! After ending Japanese resistance in the Zambales Mountains with help from the Philippine Commonwealth Army and Philippine Constabulary, the 43rd swung south against the Shimbu Line. Mountains, the 43d swung south against the Shimbu Line. Unit bibliograhy from the Army Heritage Center. They joined other forces at Aitape and had a share in the bloody battle of the Driniumor River. The 43d Infantry Division landed in New Zealand on 23 October 1942. "Robert Stanton, Company D, 43rd New York Infantry." WmPrinceColl Vangunu and Rendova Islands against minor resistance, 30 June, but the enemy fought fiercely before relinquishing Munda and View some pictures of recent Exhibits. WorldCat FS Library Collection HATHI TRUST Digital Library HATHI TRUST; also on USGenWeb, 43rd Regiment, Georgia Infantry (Confederate), Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin, Georgia, Civil War Service Records of Confederate Soldiers, 1861-1865, Georgia, Civil War Service Records of Union Soldiers, 1861-1865, Georgia, Confederate Home Records, 1901-1930, Beginning United States Civil War Research, The Civil War Soldiers and Sailors System, FS Library book 921.73 A1 no. I served with the 43rd Infantry Division during 1953-54, first with the 172nd Inf Batallion at Warner Kaserne and later with the Division Honor Guard at Flak Kaserne in Augsburg. The 6th corps was then stationed for a short time at Danville, Va., after which it participated in the grand review of the Union armies at Washington, where the 43d was mustered out on June 27, 1865. In addition, the 143rd Tank Battalion joined the Division from that state. Located at the Military History Institute in Carlisle, PA. Engle, George B. Jr. The 86th Brigade was made up of the 172nd Infantry Regiment in Vermont, and the 103rd Infantry Regiment in Maine. HHB group photo - Roster (Source: Email from Virgil E. Fenn, 103rd FA Battalion Air Section) I was drafted on October 6, 1950 and assigned to the 43rd. History of the 43rd Georgia 1900 Roster of Company E Company E, the Kellogg Rifles, was raised in Cumming in Forsyth County. Vermont Route 100 is signed as the 43 Infantry Division Highway. 4th Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry (Militia) Organized at Boston May 27, 1862. February 27, 2023 endeavor air pilot contract No Comments . The 85th Brigade was allocated entirely to Connecticut, and consisted of the 102nd and 169th Infantry Regiments. The Division Headquarters was located in Hartford, Connecticut. Awards: MH-2 ; DSC-40 ; DSM-2 ; SS-736 ; LM-53; SM-51 ; Vela Cela and Baanga were taken easily, but the Japanese resisted stubbornly on Arundel Island Ohio. Co.] 1915. 37th Infantry Division troops carry weapons and ammunition forward, 5 August 1943 in New Georgia. was secured and enemy opposition smashed in the Ipo area, 19 May. Mustered out August 28, 1863. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. This can include photographs, letters, articles and other non-book materials. This page has been viewed 5,219 times (125 via redirect). 510-592. > "The History of the 43rd Infantry Division" by Colonel Joseph E. Zimmer (Retired). Also, if you have any materials in your possession that you would like to donate, the museum is always looking for items specific to New York's military heritage. If you have any Seventeen National Guard divisions had served in the First World War; the 42nd "Rainbow" Division was not reconstituted after the war, and the 39th "Delta" Division was eliminated from the force structure in 1923 by being renamed the 31st Division.

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43rd infantry division roster